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11 janvier 2008 5 11 /01 /janvier /2008 18:52


Michael Frede, three different steps of the philosopher's life or the two suns  and the night.  Michael Frede was a philosopher (1940-2007). Acrylic painting.  TO READ PDF. FILES ABOUT MICHAEL FREDE LIKE A HERO OF CHILDREN'S STORIES CLICK ON 1) Michael-the-Philosopher-in-the-children-s-country.pdf   AND 2) Michael-the-philosopher-s-travel.pdf . 

   Education and career

Frede earned his Ph.D  at the Georg-August University of Göttingen in 1966 and worked there as an Assistant (Wissenschaftlicher Assistent) from 1966 to 1971.

He joined the faculty of the Philosophy Department at University of California, Berkeley as an Assistant Professor (1971) and quickly rose to the status of full Professor. From 1976 to 1991, he was a professor at the Princeton University Philosophy Department.

He returned to Europe in 1991 and took the Chair in the History of Philosophy at the University of Oxford. He retired from Oxford in 2005 and lived in Athens, Greece until his death in 2007.

He was a Member of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences, a Fellow of the British Academy, and a Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Selected works

  • Pradikation und Existenzaussage: Platons Gebrauch von ... ist ... und ... ist nicht ... im Sophistes, 1967
  • Die Stoische Logik, 1974
  • Essays in Ancient Philosophy, 1987
  • Aristoteles 'Metaphysik Z': Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar, 2 vols (co-edited with Günther Patzig), 1988
  • The Original Sceptics: A Controversy (co-edited with Myles Burnyeat), 1997
  • Rationality in Greek Thought (co-edited with Gisela Striker), 1999
  • Pagan Monotheism in Late Antiquity (co-edited with Polymnia Athanassiadi), 2001
  • Aristotle’s Metaphysics Book Lambda (co-edited with David Charles), 2001





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  • : Lily Couleurs, Nadia Gerstenkorn
  • : 1)Three portraits of the philosopher Michael Frede : the different ages of the life or the two suns and the night. 2)Short biography of Jacques Brunchwig 3) Aquarelles et peintures de Lily Couleurs 4)Deux petits livres pour enfants Two children's books : la leçon de peinture de Gersty Grain d'Orge et le voyage de Michaël le Philosophe - Michaël the Pilosopher's travel. 5)Histoire de la médecine : l'embolisation au temps d'Eliezer et Rebecca interprétée par Nicolas Poussin.
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